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Customer Service Interview Tips (Recording Your 2-min Voicenote)

لو بتحس انك "مش عارف تقول ايه" في الفويس نوت بتاعتك، في البلوج دي هنقول لك نديك framework مكون من 8 خطوات هيخليك تتكلم لمدة ما تقلش عن 5 دقايق في الفويس نوت بتاعك.

  • هنديك 6 نصائح مهمه لازم تتبعها عشان تاخد الـphone interview.
  • هنديك framework مكون من 8 خطوات، هيسهل عليك التحضير للفويس نوت بتاعتك.

يلا بينا؟ 



1- The Purpose of the Voice Note: 

The voice note is just a way for recruiters to assess your English skills, not what you say. They want to hear clear English, so don't overthink it. Follow this framework—it's useful for the voice note, phone, and in-person interviews alike.

2- Relax, Please -- Recruiters Are Just Like You: 

There's no need to be nervous (they're usually 20-25 year old teens speaking to you in their pajamas from their living room) They want you to pass the interview so that you (and they) can make money. 

3- Don't Have a Scarcity Mindset: 

There are DOZENS of recruiters working for DOZENS of companies,  you can easily get hundreds of other interview opportunities.

4- Be Yourself – Let Them Like You: 

Recruiters are more likely to pass you if they LIKE you. Be friendly, treat it like a chat with a friend, and ask questions like, "How’s your day going?" or "What about you?" "What do you think"? "Have you ever worked in customer service"?..etc. 

5- Personalize Your Voice Note:

 Always, always, always mention the recruiter's name and the company you're applying to in your voice note. Don’t just forward the same note to everyone—it shows you’re serious about the job.

6- Interview technique [STAR]:

Use the STAR method throughout your self introduction or interview, STAR is an acronym for: situation, task, action, result.

E.g. to highlight communication & leadership skills:

Situation: "In a group project at university, one of my classmates struggled to understand the instructions, putting the project at risk."

Task: "As the group leader, I needed to ensure everyone was on track and help my classmate."

Action: "I took the time to explain the tasks in simpler terms and provided extra resources."

Result: "Thanks to this, they completed their part on time, and our project was successful."


The 8-Steps-Framework for Your Self-Introduction Voicenote


Hello [name] How's everything going? hope you're having a good day so far & thanks for giving me the change to apply to [company name]!


"My name is [name], I’m [age] years old, and I recently graduated from [University Name]." (Skip personal details like address or family—focus on key information.)


  • If you have previous work or volunteering experience: 

Experience: I have previously worked at - I'm currently working at - I've been working at [xyz] since [time]...

What I learned: working at [xyz] has helped me [learn xyz skill] and helped me [improve my communication & problem solving skills] through..[STAR method]

  • If you don't have any previous work or volunteering experience: 

Throughout the last couple of years I've developed strong [communication, problem solving] skills through.. [STAR method]

Here are a bunch of examples:

1- Participating in group projects/graduation project, ...

2- volunteering [at xyz], ...

3- going on trips to [xyz] which taught me [xyz], ... 

4- reading [xyz books], ...

5- watching [influencers on youtube who speaking about these topics], for example...

6- anything else that taught you something about communication or problem solving (it can even be as silly as having an annoying brother/sister, remember to always use the STAR method to demonstrate these skills)


​Not necessary to include in your voicenote, but if you're looking for 'things to say and you don't have too much experience, you can include how you've learned English & speak a little bit about your language learning journey. 

I've made significant progress with my language skills through:

1- Watching [Youtube videos] in English, for example..

2- Practicing with native speakers, for example..

3- Using language exchange applications like [Hellotalk..etc.], where I've met a lot of friends, for example...

4- Attending an amazing course at a place called Intenso English ;)


​The most important thing when it comes to passing interviews is making them understand that you BRING VALUE to the company, this is about how you will HELP THEM. 

1- I believe my English level qualifies me for this position as I'm able to clearly communicate with other people in English, I practically have no problems with listening and speaking English

2- In addition to my language skills I have great COMMUNICATION SKILLS [PROOF, e.g. I have learned...blabla] which are definitely important when it comes to customer service to:

  • Create good rapport with customers
  • Allows me to by sympathetic and understanding of the problems they're facing
  • Fit in well with my colleagues

3- On top of that I have great PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS [PROOF, e.g. for example there was this one time when...blabla], and I know problem solving skills are essential when it comes to customer service


  1. I'm very interested in working the [x company] because:
  2. I'd like to further improve my English & grow professionally and I think that'd [COMPANY NAME] wouldd be the best environment for me to do so
  3. I'd like to get the chance to improve my communication & problem solving skills as they're very important for practically any other job on the market
  4. like to understand how corporates are run and get to experience what it's like working for a multinational company. 
  5. I'd like to meet like minded people and make new friends.


​Now you get to have some fun and tell them a little bit about you on a personal level, this helps them find a connection with you and they'll probably strike up a conversation about one of the things you mention here in the phone call. 

In my free time I enjoy:

1- Reading, my favorite book is [book name], it talks about [whatever]

2- Watching movies & T.V shows, my favorite...

3- Working out, I love working out because it makes me feel [xyz] and it helps me [xyz]

4- Singing, dancing, listening to music, because [xyz], my favorite [xyz] and I like [xyz] because..

5- ...[other hobbies you might have].


If you've made it this far I'd like to thank you for listening to my voicenote and I hope to hear back from you soon, and if you have any questions feel free to reach out via phone call/text, thanks again [RECRUITERS NAME].

Hope you found this useful, best of luck with your job hunt!

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For A1/A2 English Speakers